Category: Social Media Marketing

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Schedule posts to Facebook Groups

How to Publish and Schedule a Post for Facebook Groups

We’re excited to announce that Storefries now offers seamless integration with Facebook Groups. Easily publish and schedule Facebook group posts via Storefries, streamlining social media management and saving time. Expect better workflow and engagement with this integration. To get started, simply follow these steps:  To create a group: On facebook, you can start by clicking...
FacebookSocial Media Marketing
social media marketing

Social Media Marketing Basics you need to know in 2024

Social Media Marketing 2024: Social media marketing enhances brand and product visibility on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. The advantages of social media include Enhances Brand Visibility: Gaining likes, shares, follows, and other social engagement boosts visibility and recognition among potential customers and investors. Generates Leads and Boosts Conversions: Advertising to engaged individuals,like followers,generates leads...
Social Media Marketing
retail supply chain shortages

retail supply chain Shortages in 2023: 4 goods facing tight supply this year

The COVID-19 pandemic hit retail supply chains difficult. First, there has been loss of call for to contend with. Then, as clients slowly back to some of their old shopping habits, that converted into improved call for for an infrastructure trying to recover. More than years following the pandemic’s devastating economic results to retail,...
Social Media Marketing